Top Links: Everything you always wanted to know about the immigration deal (but were afraid to ask)

Top story: Republicans and Democrats agree on immigration. Well, not all of them. And it's more a "framework" than anything else. But it's a start.

Sen. Marco Rubio and the Gang of 8 unveil their framework for immigration reform today.

Top story: Republicans and Democrats agree on immigration. Well, not all of them. And it's more a "framework" than anything else. But it's a start.

  • That “something” is a framework for immigration reform. (The Hill)
  • The framework was the work of a Gang of 6—until this weekend when it became a Gang of 8. (Roll Call)
  • “Immigrants would have to pay fines, back taxes and undergo a criminal background check—a similar proposal made by President Barack Obama in May 2011.” (The Miami Herald)
  • “Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has designated immigration legislation with the bill number S.1, a signal the bill is the top Senate priority. (He did the same thing for Obama’s health care bill.)” (National Journal)
  • “The plan implies that undocumented immigrants can only be legalized after a commission "comprised of governors, attorneys general, and community leaders living along the Southwest border" certify that the measures have worked.” (Mother Jones)
  • “Democratic Senators reassured immigration advocates that this commission won’t be constructed in a way that will hold up the process for too long…Dems see the commission as ‘something that gives the Republicans a talking point’ to claim they are prioritizing tough enforcement, giving themselves cover to back a process that ‘won’t stop people from getting citizenship.’”(Plum Line)
  • Of course, it’s not like there isn’t already a lot of money spent on strict border security. (Reason)
  • “If I have any big complaint it's that the bill is oddly timid on the less controversial high-skill piece. What's the fear of America being overrun by foreign economists, lawyers, doctors, and other skilled professionals who don't have STEM advanced degrees?” (Moneybox)
  • “This appears to be the first time that [Sen. John] McCain has signed on to a top Obama legislative priority” (First Read)

And in other news …

  • President Obama and Vice President Biden are meeting with local law enforcement from towns like Newtown and Aurora, CO, that have suffered mass shootings. (The Hill)
  • In a speech this weekend, 2016 GOP hopeful Gov. Bobby Jindal “drew a sharp red line between him & Ryan, at least in terms of how they view GOP’s future. Jindal cautious abt [sic] austerity theme.” (Robert Costa)
  • “Ailes fires Palin. Kudos to him. Next stop for her will be car wash openings and shortwave radio.” (Mike Murphy)