How to make Congress work

Thursday at noon the 113th Congress was sworn in and a new era was born.


Thursday at noon the 113th Congress was sworn in and a new era was born. While this new Congress will make history with having the most women, Latinos, African-Americans, and openly gay or bisexual members, it still consists of the same key players. John Boehner, R-Ohio, is still speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is still minority leader. The Democrats still control the Senate and the Republicans are in charge of the House. It is like a bad case of deja vu. So out of the 535 members in both the House and the Senate, 94 are rookie members and are hoping they can create a change in Capital Hill.

So if the Republicans and Democrats won’t compromise how will the 113th Congress be any better the 112th Congress?

During today’s show the Cyclists came up with their own ideas of how Congress can improve:

In the comments section below let us know your ideas on how the 113th Congress can be more productive the 112th.