'ED Show' playbook: Thursday, Dec. 20

John Boehner’s “Plan B" is dead on arrival, but that's not stopping him from wasting America’s time with meaningless floor votes.

House Speaker John Boehner

John Boehner’s “Plan B" is dead on arrival, but that's not stopping him from wasting America’s time with meaningless floor votes.

Tonight, Ed welcomes Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D- MD) for his take on the Republican chaos.

Does Speaker Boehner have any control over the outcome of the fiscal cliff negotiations? Ed will ask Elijah Cummings (D-MD) and Rep. John Garamendi (D- CA) and look at what’s next for the Democrats.

The political fallout could be huge for the party of no. Steve Benen, Contributing Writer and Blogger with the Washington Monthly, and Michael Tomasky, Special Correspondent, The Daily Beast, will weigh in on that.

Republican leadership finally answers the gun control question they have been ducking all week. Howard Dean, former Democratic National Committee Chairman, former presidential candidate and the founder of Democracy for America, will have reaction. And Ed will preview Friday’s NRA news conference.

Bad news for Red Lobster and Olive Garden after coming out against Obamacare: people are voting with their dollars.

And you won't see the real victims of the real war on Christmas on Fox & Friends. Mary Kay Henry, International President, Service Employees International Union, talks about the people who stand to suffer the most when we go over the fiscal cliff.

It’s going to another blockbuster @edshow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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