Drudge needs a story? Cue the apocalypse

If there is one thing conservative web provocateur Matt Drudge loves at his Drudge Report, it’s an apocalypse.

Drudge Report

If there is one thing conservative web provocateur Matt Drudge loves at his Drudge Report, it’s an apocalypse.

And so, with the Mayan calendar looming--and the politics of the fiscal cliff and gun debate running against him--the only obvious lead story this afternoon: Doomsday Panic!

His main link directs to a local CBS story about schools in two Michigan counties that will take an early Christmas break amid concerns over the Newtown shootings and Mayan paranoia.

“Given the recent events in Connecticut, there have been numerous rumors circulating in our district, and in neighboring districts, about potential threats of violence against students. Additionally, rumors connected to the Mayan calendar-predicted end of the world on Friday have also surfaced,” a letter from Matt Wandrie, Superintendent of Lapeer Community Schools, said.

An overreaction by the school district, perhaps. An opportunity for Matt Drudge, without a doubt.

Amid his cluster content at top left of the page is a mix of doomsday linkage, including this italicized gem: Prowl for final sex romp in NY…

Our apologies if, in fact, the end of days does arrive tomorrow morning.

But it strikes us as another tacit admission from the right that political leverage is not on their side, and Matt Drudge and his readers know it.