Top Links: Jon Boehner is fighting for a bill that can't possibly become law

Today’s fiscal cliff vote won’t become law because of Democrats. But it might not pass because of Republicans.

House Speaker John Boehner is fighting like mad for a bill that can't possibly become law.

Today’s fiscal cliff vote won’t become law because of Democrats. But it might not pass because of Republicans.

  • Today, John Boehner is scrambling like mad to muster enough Republicans votes so he can pass a fiscal cliff bill that can’t actually become law. (The Hill)
  • “Getting to 218 votes (the necessary threshold to pass the House) will be tricky. But leadership aides are privately confident that Boehner will ultimately be able to get his plan through the lower chamber.” (The Corner)
  • In advance of this vote, we suggest following National Review’s Robert Costa. His reporting is pitch perfect. (Robert Costa)
  • How important is today’s vote to John Boehner’s future? He’s actually being his own majority whip. Trust us, that’s rare. (2 Chambers)
  • How desperate is John Boehner? So desperate that he’s using arcane procedural rules–and a bill about “a routine annual extension of import restrictions on Myanmar”–to save his bacon. (Roll Call)
  • How strange is today? Grover Norquist broke his own tax pledge. (Salon)
  • Wondering about news that’s going on under the radar? Many believe former Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel is President Obama’s next pick for defense secretary. However, there are critics doing to him what they did to Susan Rice. Here’s how his supporters are pushing back. (The Cable)
  • The most important person at the White House? The official photographer. (The Fix)
  • And so are their supporters. I mean, a woman blaming women for Newtown? C’mon. (Think Progress)
  • I mean, an author blaming Jon Stewart for mass shootings? C’mon. (Salon)
  • “Zero Dark Thirty” is not on three senators' must-see list. (Manu Raju)
  • The Robert Bork you didn’t know; that only his barber knew. (Matt Lewis)
  • An excellent, intelligent summation of the two Supreme Court cases that could spell, as the title asks, “The beginning of the end of the gay marriage debate?” (Cato Institute)