Government websites, Twitter feeds go dark

Several federal agencies began to shutter their websites and social media accounts Tuesday, marking the beginning of the government shutdown. Federal agencies

The sun sets behind the Lincoln Memorial on the eve of a possible US government shutdown as Congress battles out the budget in Washington, DC, September 30,...

Several federal agencies began to shutter their websites and social media accounts Tuesday, marking the beginning of the government shutdown. Federal agencies posted one final message on their Twitter accounts to reveal how the shutdown would affect their daily operations, adding that their social accounts would go dark until the shutdown was resolved.

In addition, several federal government websites are closed down as well. Visits to many government websites returned messages saying the sites were not available due to a lapse in federal funding.

NASA's website:

The Library of Congress:

Department of Education:

Federal agencies also bid farewell, at least temporarily, to their Twitter accounts.

How is the shutdown affecting you? Tell us your stories with the hashtag #DontShutMeDown.