'ED Show' playbook: Tuesday, Dec. 11

The Koch brothers and their Republican puppets strike a blow at the heart of the American worker. But the fight is not over!


The Koch brothers and their Republican puppets strike a blow at the heart of the American worker. But the fight is not over!

Tonight, Andy Kroll, staff reporter for Mother Jones Magazine, exposes the dark money behind the today’s “right to work” vote in Michigan.

Then, U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Mayor Virg Bernero of Lansing, Michigan, discuss the game plan to fight back.

John Boehner wants Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor to help keep the Tea Party from spoiling any fiscal cliff plans. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) tells us what Republicans really have up their sleeves.

Republican governors all around the country are trashing Obamacare, but it's getting implemented whether they like it or not.

E.J. Dionne, a Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution and Washington Post columnist, and Jay Angoff, former Director of the Office of Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight, Health and Human Services Department, have the details on what it means for your health care.

Karl Rove's back. The man who wasted millions of dollars on the election is now predicting a fiscal cliff outcome.

And in the BIG Finish, Dick Cheney rears his head again to attack President Obama’s foreign policy. But the former vice president still isn’t shooting straight.

We’ll get the facts from Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff at the State Department during Gen. Colin Powell's term, and currently the Pamela Harriman Visiting Professor at the College of William & Mary.

It’s going to another blockbuster @edshow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

Join the conversation now or during the show by commenting on Facebook and/or tweeting (with the #edshow hashtag), although tonight only, we won’t be able to share your thoughts at the bottom of the screen (that feature will return tomorrow night).