'ED Show' preview: Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2013 (5p ET)

We are just one week away from Obamacare kicking in and the White House is in full campaign mode.


We are just one week away from Obamacare kicking in and the White House is in full campaign mode.

Today at 4:55pET/3:55pCT, President Obama and former President  and "secretary of explaining stuff" Bill Clinton sit down for a conversation on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act at the annual meeting of Clinton's Global Initiative in New York City.

Ed Schultz will join Martin Bashir for a preview and then anchor MSNBC's live coverage of this extraordinary event between the two presidents.

Standing by with Ed for reaction and analysis for the live coverage:

  • Dr. Rani Whitfield, Medical Director of the National Association of Free Clinics, The Hip Hop Doc

It’s going to be an unusual but fascinating edition of @edshow today at 5pET on @msnbc!!

Join the conversation now or during the show by commenting on Facebook and/or tweeting (with the #edshow hashtag) so we can share your thoughts on the Obama-Clinton talk.

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