Let Me Start: Mano a Mano

It's up to two men -- President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner -- to cut a deal on the fiscal cliff.  Boehner is asking that he and the president

House Speaker John Boehner and President Obama

It's up to two men -- President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner -- to cut a deal on the fiscal cliff.  Boehner is asking that he and the president negotiate alone. And the Speaker is newly empowered by the strong backing he's received from rank-and-file House Republicans.

Hillary Clinton laughed off questions about 2016, despite a new poll showing she's the overwhelming favorite for the Democratic nomination next time around.

Secretary Clinton also praised embattled UN Ambassador Susan Rice, who may be her successor at the State Department.

Nate Silver looks at a deep red state that may become a swing state in the not-too-distant future.

And Stephen Colbert wants South Carolina governor Nikki Haley to appoint him to Jim DeMint's Senate seat. DeMint announced yesterday he's leaving the Senate to run the Heritage Foundation.