How did the race for Virginia governor become a 'vacuum'?

What are Democrat Terry McAuliffe's chances in his run for governor of Virginia? If you ask former Gov. Doug Wilder, not good.


What are Democrat Terry McAuliffe's chances in his run for governor of Virginia? If you ask former Gov. Doug Wilder, not good.

It's one thing to run against a well-known Republican like Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, but the question for McAuliffe is, as Wilder put it, "is there meat on the bones of that candidacy? The fact that you are not Cuccinelli is one thing, but who are you?" Without any clear answers for voters, McAuliffe could be in trouble.

The race for the Virginia governor's office has been filled with twists and turns, but even with a notorious Republican opponent in Ken Cuccinelli, it's a dead heat. Wilder, who served from 1990 to 1994, joined Up with Steve Kornacki on Saturday to explain why a race that had the scandals and revelations to set up a cakewalk for Democrats has turned into such a bore.

Wilder also did not pull any punches about his lack of endorsement in the race. The race, he said is between "the most unelectrifying set of candidates that we've seen to get some energy in voters."

Watch the whole discussion above.