Up: September 21

This Saturday on Up with Steve Kornacki, we'll discuss the budget-Obamacare fight in Congress that could lead to a government shutdown, and we'll examine


This Saturday on Up with Steve Kornacki, we'll discuss the budget-Obamacare fight in Congress that could lead to a government shutdown, and we'll examine President Obama's so-called "second-term slump" and how it compares to those of past presidents. We'll also talk about how immigration is causing major headaches for the GOP in diverse states like Colorado, check in on the Virginia governor's race, and talk to the Congressional candidate responsible for this week's viral campaign ad.

Finally, we'll have another installment of our game show, now with a new name,  UP Against the Clock! Test your knowledge of the week's political events against the panelists.

Joining Steve Kornacki at the table Saturday morning will be:

Krystal Ball, msnbc’s “The Cycle” (@krystallball)

Evan McMorris-Santoro, White House reporter, BuzzFeed.com (@evanMcSan)

Josh Barro, politics editor, Business Insider (@jbarro)

Suzy Khimm, msnbc.com national policy reporter  (@SuzyKhimm)

Benjy Sarlin, msnbc.com political reporter (@benjysarlin)

Fmr. Gov. Doug Wilder (D) Virginia

St. Rep Carl Sciortino (D) Massachusetts, congressional candidate (@carlsciortino)