Top links: Petraeus, a shirtless FBI agent and secession, American-style

So David Petraeus, Gen. John Allen and a shirtless FBI agent walk into a sex scandal …

Gen. John Allen, America's top commander in Afghanistan, is the latest 4-star general snagged in the Petraeus scandal.

So David Petraeus, Gen. John Allen and a shirtless FBI agent walk into a sex scandal …

  • The Petraeus scandal snags another four-star general. (NBC News)
  • Moody’s Analytics isn’t worried about whether there will be a “fiscal cliff” deal. (Real Time Economics)
  • One Romney idea may survive the election, courtesy the “fiscal cliff” and, yes, Democrats. (The New York Times)
  • The “Fiscal Cliff” is a diva. Here are 5 other performances to watch during the lame-duck session. (2 Chambers)
  • Paul Ryan blames “urban areas” for his and Mitt Romney’s loss. Not so fast there, Paul. (Jonathan Martin)
  • “I’m seceding” is the new “I’m moving to Canada” for people disappointed in presidential election results. (The Atlantic Wire)
  • “Mandate” beats rock, scissors and the paper on which Grover Norquist’s anti-tax pledge is written: “Fewer incoming members of the House and Senate have signed the pledge against tax increases run by Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform.” (The Hill)