Karl Rove just can't let go of Benghazi

Karl Rove is convinced the American public is being lied to, but it's not Syria he's worried about, it's Libya.


Karl Rove is convinced the American public is being lied to, but it's not Syria he's worried about, it's Libya.

The world is focused on what the U.S. might take in Syria in the wake of a deadly chemical weapons attack, but Rove can't stop talking about Benghazi.

On Fox News Sunday, Rove, Juan Williams, Brit Hume and host Chris Wallace discussed the approaching one-year anniversary of the September 11 attack on the United States Consulate office in the Libyan city that left four dead. The panel discussed whether the Obama administration should have done more.

“You may be comfortable with the American people being told a deliberate lie by the administration, but I’m not, and I think we need to get to the bottom of it," said Rove, who was instrumental in making the case for invading Iraq during his time in the Bush White House.

The ghost of Iraq looms large over the decision to act in Syria. Secretary of State John Kerry reminded Americans of the difference in the two countries during an impassioned speech urging U.S. intervention. “Our intelligence community has carefully reviewed and re-reviewed information regarding this attack," Kerry said last month. "And I will tell you it has done so, more than mindful of the Iraq experience. We will not repeat that moment."

Sunday, even Rove's fellow panelists seemed to think it was time to move beyond the supposed scandals of the early days of summer. "Stop living in the past," Williams said.