'ED Show' guest list: Thursday, Sep. 5 (5p ET)

A growing number of far-righties like Rick Santorum, Marco Rubio, Michele Bachmann and even Donald Rumsfeld are coming out to oppose a strike on Syria. Do they


A growing number of far-righties like Rick Santorum, Marco Rubio, Michele Bachmann and even Donald Rumsfeld are coming out to oppose a strike on Syria. Do they hate President Obama more than they love war?

Tonight on the new weekday The Ed Show at 5pET (4pCT/3pMT/2pPT) live from New York on MSNBC, Ed explores the real reason behind their opposition and looks at whether progressives will help them block it (for completely different reasons, of course).

He'll also report on today's protests by Walmart workers and call out Rep. Joe "you lie!" Wilson's latest conspiracy theory. And of course, Ed will answer your questons!

Here's tonight's guest list:

  • Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee

It’s going to be yet another blockbuster edition of @edshow today at 5pET on @msnbc!!

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