Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg officiates same-sex wedding

Saturday marked the first time that a Supreme Court Justice officiated at a same-sex marriage with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg marrying two of her longtime

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg poses for a photo in her chambers at the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. on July 24, 2013.

Saturday marked the first time that a Supreme Court Justice officiated at a same-sex marriage with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg marrying two of her longtime friends at the Kennedy Center.

The 80-year-old Justice officiated at the nuptials of her friends, Michael M. Kaiser, president of the Kennedy Center, and John Roberts, an economist who has no relation to the Supreme Court Chief Justice.

The Supreme Court in June struck down the Defense of Marriage Act and ruled that California's Prop 8 banning same-sex marriage was unconstitutional.