All In agenda: Cory Booker on race, criminal justice, and his Senate campaign

Thursday night on All In with Chris Hayes: As the world awaits a strike on Syria, the U.S.'s intelligence proving the Syrian government set off last week's


Thursday night on All In with Chris Hayes: As the world awaits a strike on Syria, the U.S.'s intelligence proving the Syrian government set off last week's reported chemical weapons attack is still being kept secret. Top Obama administration officials have said they intercepted communications incriminating the Syrian military, but cautioned there is no "smoking gun" explicitly linking the attack to President Bashar al-Assad. Congress members were briefed Thursday on some unclassified details of the intelligence, and a version of these details is also expected to be released to the public soon. President Obama, meanwhile, continued to insist Thursday that he has not yet made a decision on what course of action the U.S. and its allies will take against Syria. Chris Hayes will talk with Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff for Secretary of State Colin Powell, and Mouaz Moustafa, Executive Director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force, about the U.S. intelligence and preparations for a strike.

Also Tuesday, fast food and retail workers in 60 cities participated in a nationwide strike for higher wages and the right to form unions. The plight of low-wage workers has been gathering attention over the past year as strikes occurred regularly across the country. The workers are asking for $15 an hour, up from the current minimum wage of $7.25.

Plus: Cory Booker, Mayor of Newark and candidate for Senate from New Jersey, will join the table to talk about some of the major issues at the forefront of his campaign, including stop-and-frisk and the racial inequality of the justice system. Booker will also discuss the recent attacks leveled at him by his Republican opponent, Steve Lonegan.