Poll: Obama maintains solid Michigan lead, auto rescue key issue

In recent days, Team Romney has appeared to be making a play for Michigan.

Obama for America has released a new television ad ripping Mitt Romney for suggesting Chrysler and GM are moving production to China.

In recent days, Team Romney has appeared to be making a play for Michigan. But a new poll shows President Obama maintaining a solid lead in the state, and suggests the president's auto rescue is crucial to his edge.

The EPIC-MRA poll for the Detroit Free Press showed Obama leading Mitt Romney by six points, 48% to 42%.

Some recent polls have appeared to show the race tightening in Michigan, and the Romney campaign has been sounding bullish lately on their chances of pulling off an upset there.

But Obama has an ace in the hole. Half of those polled by the Free Press cited the rescue of Chrysler and G.M. as a deciding factor in their decision. Of that half, around two-thirds support Obama.

“I think the auto issue…has solidified things for Obama,” EPIC-MRA pollster Bernie Porn told the Free Press.