'ED Show' guest list: Tuesday, Aug. 27 (5p ET)

Yes, we've made great progress on civil rights since March on Washington 50 years ago, but if you think racism is dead in America, you are dead wrong.

People arrive at the National Mall to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s 'I have a Dream' speech on...

Yes, we've made great progress on civil rights since March on Washington 50 years ago, but if you think racism is dead in America, you are dead wrong.

Tonight on the new weekday The Ed Show at 5pET (4pCT/3pMT/2pPT) live from New York on MSNBC, Ed shows us the first highlights from Ed's town hall meeting in red state Alabama and looks at the disturbing news of a plan to create a white racist utopia in North Dakota.

Ed also follows the GOP's "defunding Obamacare" bus tour, looks at the tough choices we face in Syria, tears apart Sarah Palin's definition of "hard work" and previews a major strike by fast food workers. And of course, Ed answers your questions!

Here's tonight's guest list:

  • Ohio Sen. Nina Turner (D-Cleveland), candidate for Secretary of State
  • Dr. Zeke Emanuel, MSNBC Contributor and Vice Provost for Global Initiatives, University of Pennsylvania
  • Mary Kay Henry, President, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)

It’s going to be yet another blockbuster edition of @edshow today at 5pET on @msnbc!!

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