Let Me Start: Hurricane Sandy edition

As the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic brace for Hurricane Sandy, the monster storm has already taken a toll on campaigning in the presidential race.


As the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic brace for Hurricane Sandy, the monster storm has already taken a toll on campaigning in the presidential race. With just 8 days to go before the election, both President Obama and Mitt Romney have canceled campaign events. But the president needs to strike a balance between campaigning and responding to Sandy. And in a tight race, there will be a lot of attention paid to how he does it.

Politico's Jonathan Allen has five political questions about Sandy.

President Obama is back on top in the new Politico/GWU/Battleground poll 49-48 while the new Washington Post/ABC poll has Romney up by that same score. And perhaps most importantly, the president still has his lead in Ohio.

Despite the hundreds of millions of dollars in Dirty Angry Money, President Obama has aired about the same number of campaign ads and reached as many people as Team Romney's ads.

Why won't Mitt Romney go on any late-night talk shows?