'ED Show' playbook: Fri., Oct. 19

170 American workers in Freeport, Illinois, helped Sensata company become hugely profitable.


170 American workers in Freeport, Illinois, helped Sensata company become hugely profitable. But now they will have to find work, healthcare and retirement security someplace else.

Tonight, Ed will report live from “Bainport” for a special edition of The Ed Show.

He’ll show us how Republican economic policy has devastated the middle class all across the country and what’s at stake in this election, now just 18 days away.

And Ed will have the very latest on Sensata's decision to close it's plant for the weekend in anticipation of tonight's The Ed Show.

Tonight’s guests include Sensata workers Joanne Penniston and Bonnie Borman. Ed will also talk with:

  • Cheri Bustos, U.S. House of Representatives Democratic candidate, Illinois 17th congressional district
  • Fred Redmond, International Vice President, United Steelworkers

When don't usually say this, but you cannot miss this edition of the @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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