Warren outraises Sen. Scott Brown in Massachusetts

Elizabeth Warren outraised Sen.

Democrat Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren outraised Sen. Scott Brown in the third quarter with $12.1 million, making Warren one of the five most successful  Senate fundraisers of all time.

Warren’s campaign raised $12.12 million for the months of July, August, and September, while Sen. Scott Brown collected $7.45 million, making the Massachusetts Senate race the most expensive of House and Senate contests in 2012— and the most expensive in the state’s history.

The high stakes arrive despite a pledge between the two candidates to attempt to bar third-party TV and radio advertisements in the race, including those from super PACS, which have played prominent roles in other senate races.

On Tuesday, Warren also picked up an official endorsement from President Obama— not that anyone expected the president to endorse her opponent.

President Obama said:

Elizabeth Warren will be a strong, tireless and determined advocate for the people of Massachusetts, building on her remarkable record of working to help middle class families get ahead… Her life’s work has been helping ordinary Americans get the fair shot they need and deserve. Elizabeth’s passionate advocacy on behalf of consumers led to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The agency is now protecting people from being taken advantage of by powerful companies. I know I can count on Elizabeth to stand with me to create jobs and opportunity for the people of Massachusetts and keep our country moving forward.

Brown and Warren spar in one final debate on Oct. 30 in Boston.