The Swing's the Thing

They're called swing states for a reason - the electorate in certain states is simply more volatile than it is in others.

Chuck with Ohio 2008 Map

They're called swing states for a reason - the electorate in certain states is simply more volatile than it is in others. In each swing state, there are particular swing counties that tend to mirror the state's final tally. For instance, when President Obama turned Florida from "red" to "blue" in 2008, he did it by flipping voters along the I-4 corridor.

In counties like Hillsborough County, which voted for President Bush by 31,000 votes in 2004, voters backed President Obama by nearly the same margin in 2008.

Check out the red to blue swing in three of the most critical counties in the country... then watch Chuck's battleground breakdown to find out why FLOHVA is the most important (fake) word for the campaigns.