Wednesday's Campaign Round-Up, 7.25.18

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.


Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

* As Roll Call  reported overnight, "Democratic women continued their winning streak in a pair of Georgia runoffs Tuesday night." In Georgia's 6th congressional district, Lucy McBath prevailed and will take on incumbent Rep. Karen Handel (R) in the fall, while in the 7th congressional district, Carolyn Bourdeaux won yesterday and will face Rep. Rob Woodall (R) in November.

* And speaking of Georgia, following his offensive and humiliating display on Sacha Baron Cohen's Showtime series, state Rep. Jason Spencer (R) announced his resignation late yesterday.

* At an official presidential event in Kansas City yesterday -- not a campaign event -- Trump told the VFW's national convention about his support for Josh Hawley's Republican Senate campaign in Missouri. The GOP candidate was also invited to say a few words to attendees.

* A new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll found Democrats leading Republicans on the generic congressional ballot, 47% to 40%. The same poll, conducted after last week's fiasco in Helsinki, showed Donald Trump's approval rating at 39%.

* Speaking of new national polling, the latest report from Quinnipiac showed the president with a 38% approval rating. When respondents were asked if they feel "proud" or "embarrassed" by Trump's presidency, a 49% plurality chose the latter.

* In Pennsylvania, Rep. Conor Lamb (D) eked out a narrow win in a recent special election, but his next race appears likely to be easier. A Monmouth University poll released yesterday found Lamb leading his Republican challenger, Keith Rothfus, in the newly redrawn 17th congressional district, 51% to 39%.

* And the Boston Globe had an interesting report the other day, noting, "Races for secretary of state across the country have historically not been the most interesting on the ballot. The office typically manages the state's administration, and so the campaign issues can be mundane — think voter registration timetables, small business registration, and, in some cases, protecting the state's official symbols. But 2018 appears to be different."