Monday's Campaign Round-Up, 11.20.17

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.


Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

* In Alabama yesterday, the front page of the Birmingham News featured an all-caps headline that read, "Stand for decency, reject Roy Moore." It was followed by this endorsement of the Republican's opponent, Doug Jones (D).

* Last week, Kellyanne Conway was asked about Moore's candidacy, and said, "The incontrovertible principle is that there is no Senate seat worth more than a child." This morning, however, the White House aide, asked if Alabamans should vote for Moore, replied, "I'm telling you that we want the votes in the Senate to get this tax bill through."

* Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (R) said over the weekend that she has "no reason to disbelieve" Moore's accusers, but she's voting for him anyway because he's a Republican.

* The Moore scandal has apparently given Doug Jones' campaign a fundraising boost.

* A progressive group called Not One Penny is launching a seven-figure ad buy, targeting 25 House Republican districts, slamming GOP lawmakers for supporting their party's regressive and unpopular tax plan.

* If you contribute $10 to the National Republican Congressional Committee, the NRCC will enter you into a lottery to spend the weekend at Donald Trump's hotel in D.C. -- which the president still profits from.

* With Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) resigning in the wake of a sex scandal, local Democrats have chosen a candidate in the special election to replace him: Conor Lamb, a 33-year-old Marine veteran and assistant U.S. attorney. Republicans, meanwhile, have chosen state Rep. Rick Saccone (R) for the March 13 election. Both nominees were chosen at party conventions; there will be no primary.

* Stephen Bittel resigned Friday as head of the Florida Democratic Party following accusations from women that "he leered at them, made suggestive comments and created an unprofessional work environment."

* And in New Orleans over the weekend, LaToya Cantrell (D) became the first woman to be elected as mayor, easily defeating former Judge Desiree Charbonnet.