Tuesday's Mini-Report, 10.17.17

Today's edition of quick hits.


Today's edition of quick hits:

* Another legal setback for Team Trump: "Hours before it was to take effect, a federal judge in Hawaii issued a nationwide order on Tuesday blocking, for now, President Trump's third attempt at a travel ban. It would have indefinitely stopped almost all travel to the United States from seven countries, including most of the Muslim-majority nations included in his original travel ban."

* Staggering death toll keeps rising in Somalia: "More than 300 people were killed by twin bomb explosions in Mogadishu, an official said on Monday, as locals packed hospitals in search of friends and relatives caught by Somalia's deadliest attack in a decade."

* Trump-Russia scandal: "The Senate Intelligence Committee has requested documents and testimony from Michael G. Flynn, the son of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, but has not received a response, three sources familiar with the matter told NBC News."

* Puerto Rico: "President Donald Trump said military personnel assisting in Hurricane Maria recovery efforts 'shouldn't have to be' distributing food in Puerto Rico, again casting the U.S. territory's challenges as partially self-inflicted during a Monday press conference."

* Brexit was a spectacularly bad idea: "Brexit threatens to reopen wounds in Northern Ireland, where the physical border was a flashpoint during the 30-year conflict known as 'the Troubles.'"

* Once again, you don't need military commissions to try suspected terrorists: "A Manhattan jury needed less than four hours to find terror bomber Ahmad Rahimi guilty of detonating a shrapnel-packed bomb that injured 30 people last year on a terrifying night in Chelsea."

* More on this tomorrow: "An emotional Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) launched a thinly veiled critique of President Trump's global stewardship Monday night, using a notable award ceremony to condemn 'people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems.'"

* A stunning report out of Texas: "The Trump administration is preventing an undocumented, pregnant teenager detained in a Brownsville refugee shelter from getting an abortion in a policy shift with big implications for hundreds of other pregnant, unaccompanied minors held in such shelters. She is not the first to be stopped, according to advocates who work with undocumented teenagers."

* The detail Trump left out of his snide remarks: "[A] person familiar with the breakfast for Gold Star Families at the White House on May 30, 2011, told NBC News that [retired Gen. John] Kelly and his wife attended the private event and were seated at first lady Michelle Obama's table."

Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.