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Bravo TV star pursues Senate campaign

Thomas Ravenel is looking to add another line to his resume: U.S. Senator.
Thomas Ravenel
Thomas Ravenel leaving federal court in 2008.
Thomas Ravenel is looking to add another line to his resume: U.S. Senator.
The former South Carolina State Treasurer and a cast member of South Charm, a reality show on Bravo TV, star announced on Friday that he is planning on making an independent run against Senator Lindsey Graham in November.
"It's time for voters across our state and this country to declare their independence from a failed two-party system – one that no longer represents their interests or the interests of Americans to come," Ravenel said in his press release. "Election after election of choosing the lesser of two evils has our economy and our freedoms on a downward slide – but there's still time to change the road we're on. To do that, though, we need a real debate and a real choice - candidates who are offering real ideas to turn things around."
Ravenel, who resigned from office in 2007 after an arrest on cocaine charges, says he knows his time in jail may make him an "imperfect messenger" for the Senate, but "the last time I checked there are plenty of 'perfect' messengers out there who are bankrupting our Treasury, destroying our economy, and sending our sons and daughters off to die and be disfigured in places we have no business fighting," Ravenel said. 
Ravenel must submit 10,000 signatures next week in order to appear on the November ballot.