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The syllables of safety

In case you were distracted by all the finger counting in last night's Best New Thing In The World Today segment, below is the written transcript,

In case you were distracted by all the finger counting in last night's Best New Thing In The World Today segment, below is the written transcript, broken into the appropriate lines and stanzas for you to read at your own finger tapping pace.

Today in New York, A perfect storm of gridlock; Let me count the ways:

The President's here to do some campaign events. It's matinee day.

It's also the night They light the 30 Rock tree to jumpstart Christmas.

Then there's the rumor that Justin Bieber's in town, adding to the crush.

There are lots of signs Warning drivers of gridlock all around New York.

Tonight's best new thing Combines both art and traffic In one neat package.

It is a campaign To make pedestrians think Before crossing streets.

Some artful road signs With messages in haiku For example, this:

"Oncoming cars rush Each a 3-ton bullet. And you, flesh and bone."

"Too averse to risk to chance the lottery. Yet steps into traffic."

"A sudden car door, Cyclist's story rewritten. Fractured narrative."

Poet John Morse is The guy who thought these signs up. Some are in Spanish.

Haiku signs are now Installed at busy corners All around New York.

If I sound funny It's because I'm trying to Count my syllables.

You know, a story about haiku done in the same poetic form?

How am I doing? I will not do this again. I have hurt my brain.

I think I prefer Iambic pentameter. More like normal speech.

Road sign haiku art in the big mean old city: Best New Thing In The...