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#FollowFriday, follow @NowWithAlex!Magid CPI: Obama Campaign: Obama's Enthusiasm Gap; Romney campaign: Romney Pleased Debate Showed He and Obama Stand for Very

#FollowFriday, follow @NowWithAlex!

Magid CPI: Obama Campaign: Obama's Enthusiasm Gap; Romney campaign: Romney Pleased Debate Showed He and Obama Stand for Very Different Things; Debate: One presidential debate over, and still undecided in Ohio 

Google: PBS; meningitis; POLITICO

Twitter: #FollowFriday; #TGIF; #happyfriday

Twitter Political Index: Obama 31 (-5)/Romney 23 (-14)

YouTube: DANCE ≪◎≫ FEMALE ROBOT vs Human ≪◎≫ Daft Punk

YouTube Politics: Facts Are Clear

Billboard (Hot 100): One More Night – Maroon 5; Gangnam Style – PSY; Some Nights – fun.

Billboard (Ringtones): Call Me Maybe – Carly Rae Jepsen; Pontoon – Little Big Town; Whistle – Flo Rida