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Joe: Rubio's 'Marco-mentum' is still an illusion

Joe: Rubio’s ‘Marco-mentum’ is still an illusion
Marco Rubio Donald Trump
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla, left, and Donald Trump at last night's debate. (AP Photo/Houston Chronicle, Gary Coronado, Pool)

After last night's GOP debate, be prepared to hear commentators to praise Marco Rubio for "the debate of his life." However, Joe Scarborough cautions us against the idea of "Marco-mentum." 

In The Washington Post, Joe writes: 

If you judge Team Rubio’s hopeful slogan by actual results, it starts with a 4 point loss in Iowa, a 25 point drubbing in New Hampshire, an 10 point defeat in South Carolina, and an embarrassing 22 point loss in Nevada. Never mind that Team Rubio told reporters for six months to ignore any setbacks in the early states since Nevada would be their political “firewall”. In the end, the Silver State results looked more like a dumpster fire that torched The-Future-of-the-Republican-Party’s hopes to win a single state. ... His campaign was fueled more by the promise of things to come than the reality of the present. Glowing press reviews and headlines declaring Rubio the future of the Republican Party were never grounded in substance, but instead on the plodding assumption that a political party bleeding support from young voters and Hispanics could only save themselves by embracing a young Hispanic politician — even if that campaign was little more than a bag of cotton candy.

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