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Cain #GetsOverIt, endorses Romney

Herman Cain, who previously backed Newt Gingrich's now dormant bid for president (and also, earlier, The People!), has changed his mind again.
Cain #GetsOverIt, endorses Romney
Cain #GetsOverIt, endorses Romney

Herman Cain, who previously backed Newt Gingrich's now dormant bid for president (and also, earlier, The People!), has changed his mind again. Today, he became the latest former opponent to (officially) offer Mitt Romney his support:

Displaying the corny flair that appealed to many a member of the media and anticipating the flack he'd catch from anyone who still cared to hold him to account for his earlier endorsements, Cain took a shot at the President's marriage equality stance by saying that "my endorsement evolved." Because, see, it's just like the President's "evolution" on...yeah, it's not worth it.

I did laugh when I read Cain's tweet, though. Interesting that he'd hashtag it, as if him saying "If he's not your favorite candidate #GetOverIt" is not the last time he anticipates having to tell Republicans to #GetOverIt, hold their political noses, and vote for Romney in the fall. Given that this is coming from Cain, author of perhaps the most gonzo campaign for president in recent memory, I hesitate to guarantee that the Republicans will try make that hashtag trend.

Still, the endorsements from Romney's opponents have ranged from the political equivalent of a shrug paired with an "Oh, well;" to, in Jon Huntsman's case, the embodiment of "not helping." Steve Benen on The Maddow Blog wrote up, rather hilariously, news about two additional, somewhat odd endorsements that the presumptive Republican nominee. (Here's a clue on one of them: she's you.)

Postscript: While Herman Cain gets laughs (genuine and mocking) today, Slate's Dave Weigel offered an important reminder on Twitter: