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Rewriting expectations of a Romney win

Morning Joe co-anchor Joe Scarborough rewrote what every prominent pro-Romney Republican is saying on TV.The former Republican Congressman from Florida was brut

Morning Joe co-anchor Joe Scarborough rewrote what every prominent pro-Romney Republican is saying on TV.

The former Republican Congressman from Florida was brutally honest about Romney's chances of winning this election and revealed why he, and other Republicans, are taking 2016 so seriously right now.

"I've yet to meet a single person in the Republican establishment that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election this year. They won't say it on TV because they've got to go on TV and they don't want people writing them nasty emails," said Scarborough. "I obviously don't care. But I have yet to meet anybody in the Republican establishment that worked for George W. Bush, that works in the Republican Congress, that worked for Ronald Reagan that thinks Mitt Romney is going to win the general election."

Truth hurts.