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Joe Biden is baaaaack

Vice President Joe Biden gave his first campaign speech of the 2012 election cycle in the battleground state of Ohio on Thursday.

Vice President Joe Biden gave his first campaign speech of the 2012 election cycle in the battleground state of Ohio on Thursday. And he wasted no time slamming each of the GOP candidates. A very fired up Biden said the "economic theories” of the GOP candidates will "bankrupt the middle class again."

"Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich, these guys have a fundamentally different economic philosophy than we do," Biden told the crowd in Toledo. ”Simply stated, we're about promoting the private sector. They're about protecting the privileged sector." Zing.

He also honed in on current Republican frontrunner Romney for failing to support the auto bailout and compared him to Obama.


"The guy I work with everyday, the president, he didn't flinch. This is a man with steel in his spine." Biden said, "He made the tough call and the verdict is in. President Obama was right and they were dead wrong."

Not a coincidence, Biden speech's was in Toledo where thousands of jobs were saved by the Obama administration's support of the auto industry in crunch time.