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First Word: Minnesota, Rhode Island legalize same-sex marriage

At midnight, Minnesota and Rhode Island became the 12th and 13th states to legalize gay marriage and dozens of couples rushed to courthouses across Minnesota.
Margaret Miles celebrates with wife Cathy ten Broeke after they were married at the Minneapolis Freedom to Marry Celebration, Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013 at the Minneapolis City Hall. (Photo by Stacy Bengs/AP)
Margaret Miles celebrates with wife Cathy ten Broeke after they were married at the Minneapolis Freedom to Marry Celebration, Thursday, Aug. 1, 2013 at the...

At midnight, Minnesota and Rhode Island became the 12th and 13th states to legalize gay marriage and dozens of couples rushed to courthouses across Minnesota. Minneapolis Mayor RT Rybak declared the first same-sex couple married before a cheering crowd of nearly 1,000. "By the power now finally invested in me," he said, "I hereby declare Margaret and Cathy legally married." The first same-sex weddings in Rhode Island will happen this morning.

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