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By NBC's Anna TumanThe Supreme Court is set to make their ruling on the health care law Thursday around 10 am.

By NBC's Anna Tuman

The Supreme Court is set to make their ruling on the health care law Thursday around 10 am. On tomorrow’s show we’ll have a full lineup to prepare you with all you need to know going into the court’s ruling.

Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) be on the show to give us his sense of what to expect. Check out this article in Politico explaining what Harkin describes as different contingency plans for Democrats in case the ruling doesn’t fall  in their favor.

Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) will also join Chuck. Last week on our show, he told guest host Luke Russert that he thought the court will repeal the entire law, but that he personally was in favor of having people 26-years-old  and younger on their parent’s insurance. Watch last week’s interview below and see how it compares to tomorrow’s.

We’ll also take a look at how the ruling will be felt by everyday Americans. NBC’s John Yang will join us live from a health clinic in Kansas City to hear how the health care debate is echoing across the country.