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Petraeus may not be a leading trend on Google or Twitter anymore, but the story still dominates the headlines.
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Trending NOW

Petraeus may not be a leading trend on Google or Twitter anymore, but the story still dominates the headlines.

Magid CPI: Gen. Allen: Petraeus scandal widens to Allen's 'flirtatious' e-mails; Petraeus scandal: Who is Jill Kelley, socialite pal of Petraeus, Allen; Obama: Labor sees leverage on Obama's side

Google: Nexus 4; Dancing With the Stars; Hope Solo

Twitter: Thanksgiving; Las Vegas; Happy Hump Day

YouTube: The Athlete Machine - Red Bull Kluge

Billboard (Hot 100): One More Night – Maroon 5; Gangnam Style – PSY; Some Nights – fun.

Billboard (Ringtones): Gangnam Style – PSY; Whistle Flo Rida; Pontoon – Little Big Town