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Your take on the Eric Garner case

Every Friday, will highlight standout comments of the week from our online community.
A memorial for Eric Garner at the site where he died.
A memorial for Eric Garner at the site where he died.

Eric Garner, a Staten Island father of six, was tragically killed last month by New York Police Department Officer Daniel Pantaleo when he put the asthmatic Garner into an illegal chokehold. His death was recently ruled a homicide by the New York City Medical Examiner’s Office and Mayor Bill de Blasio has vowed to work with “all authorities involved” to “ensure a fair and justified outcome.”

The community reacted to Garner's death:

"Eric was killed by a militaristic police force that sees citizens, particularly minorities, as the enemy. They no longer protect and serve but seek and destroy … Eric's weight [and] background had nothing to do with his death. The actions of the police were the sole reason."'

"I saw a chokehold applied haphazardly for a moment, but if we're still honest here, that's not what he died from. He died from being overly obese and unhealthy."'

"Bias did not kill Mr. Garner. The police officer made a conscious decision to apply a chokehold and then another conscious decision to ignore Mr. Garner's pleas. Not only should re-training be implemented immediately, the psychological testing conducted on new recruits and seasoned veterans of the force should be fully reviewed for effectiveness and revamped if indicated."'

"This cop needs to be off the street, maybe off the job, once all the evidence is reviewed. We do not need the police killing people for selling illegal cigarettes, posing no threat or resisting arrest. Many cops are good people, a few are not."'

"Have your movie cameras on your cell phones ready folks. Actions of citizens with cameras will mean a great deal to upholding the law and justice. I'm keeping mine at the ready."'

"The death of Eric Garner was tragic, but brought to life, that our law enforcement is not above or beyond the law of our citizens, who they vowed to serve and protect."'

"... I believe this act was 2nd degree murder. I grew up at a time when the police were to be respected. But, I also grew up during a time when white and black neighborhoods were separate and segregated. We have progressed, somewhat. There is a concept of 'pack mentality' that occurs mostly among men. It is acted out in senseless rage. Sadly, it is a universal male truth but a fully inexcusable behavior. I/we expect more from our police and our EMTs: offering care and concern, safe harbor and rational behavior. This act against Garner blemishes the entire police culture."'

Every Friday, will highlight standout comments of the week from our online community. Want to see your comment featured here? Create an account and start posting comments on the big stories of the day!

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