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Why does the GOP keep digging into the Benghazi attacks?

Let me finish tonight with this. The Republican party once believed in certain principles - balanced budgets, law and order, strong defense.

Let me finish tonight with this.

The Republican party once believed in certain principles - balanced budgets, law and order, strong defense.

Today it believes in the main chance. Its eye is out there, prowling the horizon, for the opportunity for instant success, the spot where they can exploit the hell out of something and somehow end up on top.



It's what will transform a party of weak presidential candidacies and frozen-in-place politics and congressional obstruction. For as long as the eye can see they lack of a national candidate who could truly woo the vital American center and still meet the harsh dictates of its own political base.

Nor can it find the policy that will grab the country's imagination.

What they have in their sights, what they savor with mouth-watering anticipation is... let's call it what it is, what they are drooling to devour… is dirt.

They're hoping if they can making charges, keep digging, keep promising more, that one fine day they will find something in the desert sands of Libya to justify their existence.