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Vote for your favorite innovator

Read the stories below and choose your favorite innovator. On October 9, we’ll light up the internet with their future stories of optimism and what’s possible.

Read the stories below and choose your favorite innovator. On October 9, we’ll light up the internet with their future stories of optimism and what’s possible. 2050, here we come!

VOTE - one last time - in the name of a brighter future.

Borne Digital has developed the first ever, adaptive reading platform for tablet devices. READ MORE.

Given Goods Company is the marketplace for high-quality products that give back. READ MORE.

No Right Brain Left Behind is a collaborative endeavor between the creative industries with a mission to instill creativity in education. READ MORE.

Sucre Blue is a nonprofit healthcare organization dedicated to providing access and affordability to chronic disease treatment. READ MORE.

Technovation Challenge is the world’s largest and longest-running technological competition for middle and high school girls.  READ MORE.